Friday, January 8, 2010

This Is A Call

Visiting is pretty
Visiting is good
Seems that all they ever wanted was a brother

This can be a secret
We can keep it good
Even all the ever wanting had a problem

Yes, this is a call, but not to any of Dave's past resignations (or to any of the many angry, angry youtube commenters below that clip - why do they get so nasty, and why can we not resist morbidly reading them?).

This is in fact a call to any would-be Dojo kenshi out there, and it's a very serious call at that. Why? Well, there's a plan afoot, and it's a very good plan if it works, to get a Gold Coast based team into the Brisbane Premier League. Clearly, a coastal expansion team would be a great thing for the BPL, but sadly it isn't such a good thing for DojoMojo. You see, half a dozen or so of our kenshi are Gold Coasters themselves, and they've been making the trip to play the Dojo Way in Brisbane every week for years. But starting next season, our old chums Stefan, Mike, Lee, Phil & Darren aim to be wearing GC jerseys and we wish them all the best. Including the best and most humiliating defeats upon each encounter with the Dojo...

But all of that is assuming there will still be a Dojo for the Gold Coasters, and all you other SE Qld frisbophiles to play against, once nearly half our players have departed. So - have you ever wished you could feel for yourself the quality fabric of the world famous Dojo shirt? And have one in black AND white? And have your name mentioned regularly on the only local team blog that ever gets updated (shame, Wetnose, shame)? And not have to do any training ever (assuming here that you're already 6'5" with unmatched natural talent)? Well, now is the time to turn those fantasies into reality, even if you're none of the above! It's a pretty simple story - DojoMojo needs YOU (no, not you Cupcake), and needs you NOW. Feel free to email stephen (at) ark (dot) net (dot) au and demand your spot on the team.

Oh yeah, while we're here we might as well add in a quick recap of the Grand Final that we lost last season. It would be really quick and easy to say that the final was won by Mike Neild, but in actual fact the final was lost by DojoMojo. We were ahead by a lot with not much time left, and managed to lose the game despite being handed multiple J-Ray turnover gifts - sometimes several in one point.

To be fair, Jason also threw most of the goals that Mike caught, but his real impact came down to two throws, both of which were pulls in consecutive points in the dying moments of the game, when Bugs were 3 points down and all Dojo had to do to win was score 1 measly point. After a nervy Dojo turnover and Bug score, Jason proceeded to put the next two pulls deep into the back corner of the endzone with plenty of hangtime, giving his defending teammates plenty of time to set up and forcing the Dojo to go for risky throws over and around the Bug D, leading to back-to-back turnovers within 20m of our own endzone. Anyone that plays team sport can tell you that this change in momentum is all the Bugs needed to tip the game in their favour, especially when Mike was there to grab what swill he could get near (the turnover count was sky high in every sense) and accept the victory that the Dojo seemed so keen to hand over.

Gotta say - watching all this happen from the sideline with both calves cramped as usual was all the inspiration this team blogger and occasional frisbee player needed to make getting back into proper shape a high-priority New Year's resolution, alongside "win BPL". The kenshi kernel you know and love/loathe will be there to have another crack at the leaden R.C. Dog Cup this season, but only if we can find some new teammates to walk the Dojo Way with. Drop us a line if you reckon that might be you.


  1. So if I sign up, the Dojo shirts are free, right?

  2. wow..... just saw the new look dojo on the afda.
    Impressive Roster. Scary.
